local businesses | Global Dental Relief https://www.globaldentalrelief.org Mon, 05 Mar 2018 14:00:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 The How-To of Fundraising for a Global Dental Relief Trip https://www.globaldentalrelief.org/the-how-to-of-fundraising-for-a-global-dental-relief-trip/ Mon, 05 Mar 2018 14:00:14 +0000 https://www.globaldentalrelief.org/?p=2120 Posted on March 5, 2018.

Do you dream of traveling internationally to help children around the world live happier, healthier lives? You can make this dream a reality by volunteering with Global Dental Relief! The following fundraising tips are ways to help fund your dream of volunteering abroad.

Write a Fundraising Letter
A letter writing campaign is one of the simplest and most effective fundraising methods. Compose a letter to send to your friends, family and colleagues. Explain why you are fundraising and how their contribution will help children across the globe receive free dental care. Ask for a specific amount of money and be honest about the total amount needed to cover the cost for you to volunteer.

Partner with Local Businesses
Don’t be afraid to use your connections to reach out to business owners in your community.  If you don’t know the owners, send a copy of your fundraising letter and follow-up with a phone call. Consider your connections and be bold with your ask!

Contact Clubs and Local Organizations
Look for clubs in or around your community that would be willing to donate to your cause. Start by contacting clubs and requesting to have 15-20 minutes during their next chapter meeting to explain your cause. Be specific about your money request and be clear about how it will be used during your volunteer trip with GDR. Consider your connections! Who do you know that may be a member of a local club or organization?

Social Media
Social media may be the best way to promote awareness and raise funds for your volunteer project. Social media allows you to immediately connect with peers, colleagues, and friends. Feel free to include GDR’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to help people learn more about the difference they will be helping you make in the lives of children overseas. You can also use social media to get the word out about online fundraising campaigns, such as GoFundMe.

Host a Party
Host a party! Invite everyone you know to join you and learn about your trip. Charge a donation at the door and offer light appetizers and simple beverages. Give a short slide show or talk about the work you will be doing with GDR. It’s a fun evening and a great way to raise money for your volunteer experience.

Most importantly, don’t be discouraged by someone’s “no,” instead be encouraged to work hard and stay motivated!

Global Dental Relief brings people from all over the world together for one cause: to make a difference in the life of a child. It’s a truly unique experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life. We invite you to learn more about how to fundraise effectively by contacting our office at volunter@globaldentalrelief.org or 303.858.8857 today.

The post The How-To of Fundraising for a Global Dental Relief Trip first appeared on Global Dental Relief.
